Once you have completed the assignment, send it in electronically thorough your Infinite Campus link, outlook or you may email it to auddani.add@gmail.com
Infinite Campus
Hello one and all,
Students, haveyou ever wanted to knowwhat your grade was without bothering the teacher? Parents, have you ever wanted to be constantly updated on your child's grades? Well now you can! DeKalb County uses a program called Infinite Campus that will allow you to monit...
Additional security settings were activated in late 2012. These settings permit users to reset their own passwords, get password reminders and other self-service features. If you havent set up these features, please do so.
Use the mobile app on an android or iOS device? Our district ID is
Infinite Campus
as the winner of the process to provide a statewide school information system.
School districts across Wisconsin currently use a variety of information and data management systems. The Milwaukee Public Schools, for example, uses eSIS; PowerSchool is another popular local choice. Howe...
I'm a parent, how do I navigate Infinite Campus? Is there an app for Infinite Campus? The app wants a district ID, what's ours? ZXBRFQ What does the standards based grade book look like for 7-8...
First download the appropriate app for your device:
After installing the app, you will be asked for the District ID, along with your standard Infinite Campus Username and Password. The District ID is:
After the app verifies the Dist
or the image below to login to Infinite Campus to access student grades and other information such as attendance records and due dates for assignments.
Login using your student Google login information without the @email address part. Parents can use their childs login information as w...
should login with the following credentials:
Username: Student ID Number Password: (first name initial)(last name initial)(MMDDYY birthdate)
For example, if your name is Jane Doe and you were born on January 1st, 2000, your password would be:
You should have created an account when...
(Call ahead to fax.)
Infinite Campus
We will be using Infinite Campus for this year. This page will provide information, tutorials, and helpful tips for accessing and using Infinite Campus.
for information on the Infinite Campus Parent/Student Portal.
To find out more about Infinite Campus,
click on'Forgot your password?'and enter your Student Id#. You will receive an email at your guhsd email.
Infinite Campus Portal App "Campus Parent" and "Campus Student"
You must set up your Campus Portal accountBEFOREyou can use the App on your Smartphone. If you are new to ...