Keep Just Host account policy in mind
When you sign up justhost web hosting account, your Just Host account will be enabled with autorenewal, which means that when your renewal date arrives, your hosting plan and domain will be renewed. This is by default. When it is time for renewal, the credit ...
This article will explain how to login to a WordPress site using WordPress tools. Domain registration, domain hosting, domain renewals, domain transfers and much more - FASTDOMAIN
Accessing your account is as easy as entering your domain name and password on the login screen, or clicking one of our Single Sign-On options. Domain registration, domain hosting, domain renewals, domain transfers and much more - FASTDOMAIN
just host - Moving contacts and calendars from webmail (Horde, Roundcube & SquirrelMail) to Office 365 is not included in our Professional Email Migration service; however, they can be manually exported and imported.