Featured Employee
Josh Pearson, Assistive Technology Lab
The Disability Services team is such a welcoming and diverse group of people. I am extremely fortunate to have utilized their department's accommodations as soon as I entered into UMass as an undergraduate student. The staff are compassionat...
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Directors Message "
Looking towards the future"
Looking towards the future I hope that there will not be a child deprived of a parents love and care. Today in Afghanistan, many children are forced to perform toiling work and acts contrary to the conventional rights of the child, ...
5 Tips to Make Your Employees Love You Each month, millions of employees leave their jobs. A high turnover rate can stunt your businesss growth and force you to spend more money on training. Its a bad situation for every manager and business owner. Several years ago...
has been at the shelter since 2002, and his dedication is obvious. Gary is a kennel technician and can be heard most mornings coaxing the dogs to move with his good morning sugar, move out of the way! His favorite part of the job is the many successful adoptions he has had especially the dogs...