OpenSim and Moodle: Creating Enhanced Learning Spaces
Using OpenSim virtual world software and the Moodle LMS system, you can enhance standard course offerings. This video example show how lessons become learning spaces, objects interaction with users and other virtual world concepts. This video...
Adult Education Tests
Weber Online (Moodle)
Weber Online is the student access to all assignments quizzes and tests in the Weber School District! Instantly check for missing and graded assignments, quizzes or tests. Use the system from the comfort of your own home to see exactly what's going on at s...
< click this link please
The reason for this is because Moodle allows me to organize myself much more effectively, I can post PowerPoints that the students might have missed, AND I can post content that can be downloaded and printed at home! How cool is tha...
WHS Basketball Pep Band Schedule
The following link will take you to the schedule for the Basketball Pep Band. Please mark the dates on your calendar, get them to your employers and just come and have a great time!!
Note that we have added Theme nights on a couple of games. Hope to see you all...
Moodle is a Learning Platform or course management system (CMS) - a free Open Source software package designed to help educators create effective online courses based on sound pedagogical principles. You can download and use it on any computer you have handy (including webhosts), yet it can scale fr...
Stratford WSD Guild is a small enthusiastic group of 30 weavers, spinners & dyers; we welcome new members to our varied and interesting programme of weaving, spinning and dyeing, including felting, braiding, card making, crocheting & knitting
Moodle is a free and open-source Learning Management System written in PHP. It provides a way for tutors and instructors to create courses for their s...
Life coach and PHM (Particularly Helpful Moodler) Michael Milette, developer of the plugins Moodle eMail Test, Contact Form, FilterCodes and the Training
The Moodle 3.7.1 App is now available on Google Play and Apples App Store, and youll be able to get the Desktop app in the Windows and Mac App in the upcoming weeks. The latest version of our mobile learning App comes with enhanced information and events display to improve the learning experience fo...
Wearable technology is the way of the future. The watch industry has quickly adapted with smart watch technology. Smart watches drastically increase your efficiency when you make use of all their features. The find my phone functionality will save you from wasting time looking for a phone that, afte...
The newest smartwatch from Casio carries the same Casio Pro Trek nomenclature of the 2017 device from the same brand. This version of the watch brings updated