I would like to set up an E-mail forwarding service like Netaddress whereby users would be able to create an E-mail account in my domain name and have all the mail sent to that account forwarded to an alternate addr&hellip
One of a myriad of web based email sites, similar to Hotmail and Rocketmail. Has a 5 MB mail quota, a forced frames interface, and, oddly enough, email ...
The term netaddress gets thrown around a lot. Unfortunately, almost everyone who uses the term means something a little bit different. Programmers, IT tech workers, and end computer users have different uses for the word netaddress. Lets take a look at the various meanings of the term and demystify ...
Suite 300
Louisville, KY 40223
Upon receipt of your original properly endorsed documents, you will be issued a password to make future changes without having to send the above paperwork again, unless it is for a different domain name. If you lose your password, you must submit the paperwork again fo...
Processing is an electronic sketchbook for developing
ideas. It is a context for learning fundamentals of computer programming
within the context of the electronic arts.