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WebSTAR Instructions | NSU Computing Help Desk
WebSTAR is NSU's Administrative system where students, faculty, alumni, and staff can access academic, personal, and employment records.
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WebSTAR Personal Information Instructions | NSU Computing Help Desk
Learn how to update your personal information for NSU's administrative system WebSTAR, such as updating your PIN/password, mailing addresses, phone, email, security question and answer, and emergency contact information.
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How to Search for Available Courses in WebSTAR | NSU Computing Help Desk
Students will need to search for the CRN in order to register for courses in WebSTAR. To obtain the CRN, students will need to know at least the subject name.
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How to View Course Schedule in WebSTAR | NSU Computing Help Desk
Using WebSTAR, students may keep track of their course schedule by accessing the day/time breakdown for any given week or utilizing the detailed term-based schedule.
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WebSTAR Student-Based Instructional Guide | NSU Computing Help Desk
Student-based instructional guide on using Webstar to register for course, view and obtain grades and transcripts (official and unofficial), as well as pay tuition and fees.
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How to Remove/Drop a Course in WebSTAR | NSU Computing Help Desk
Student who longer wish to enroll in a course(s) at NSU may use our drop/remove instructions to withdrawl from the course in WebSTAR.
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Update Your Email Address in WebSTAR | NSU Computing Help Desk
If you would like to change your email address on file at the university, you can do so through the Personal Information section of WebSTAR.
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